Know-How and Technology
A solid sourcing strategy and specialist technology are required to avoid getting stuck with the usual job boards and professional networks. At Serendi, we leverage our competencies with experienced and knowledgeable sourcing recruiters. They invest considerable time in the process and bring their specific language skills as invaluable tools. To these skills, they add innovation management, an indispensable advantage in a fast-moving environment with innovative recruiting tools and cutting-edge hiring technologies.
360° Talent Sourcing
Possessing a dedicated sourcing function is a critical success factor in the hunt for the best talent. It ensures targeting active and passive candidates, on all relevant sourcing channels, as well as for the setup and maintenance of talent communities.

Make or Buy
Large corporates generally build in-house sourcing capabilities. Mid-size organizations, in turn, rely on a network of external providers, on a case-by-case basis. Such selective approaches do not allow for leveraging the full power of a comprehensive sourcing function, due to the lack of synergies and long-term candidate engagement.
In a Serendi RPO partnership, the dedicated sourcing function is a key feature of our next-generation recruitment solutions: your organization can benefit from our sourcing knowledge, technology, and resources without the corresponding heavy investment.

In a “traditional” model, recruitment costs are absorbed by general HR budgets. In reality, they are variable costs that can and should be allocated to identified cost centers. Whereas an external recruitment cost can easily be applied to its related cost center, organizations struggle to be as precise with their in-house recruitment overheads. In addition, recruitment volatility and the cost of adapting to the needed recruitment overheads are rarely taken into the calculation.
Transactional Pricing
Operational excellence may be at the center of a successful Talent Acquisition function but cost efficiency and allocation are playing a similarly prominent role in driving HR transformation.

Converting Fixed to Variable Cost
Our Talent Acquisition solutions operate with clear, transaction-based price tags that are linked to performance, ensuring optimal acceptance in your organization. Our commercial models allow for the transfer of fixed costs from HR overhead budgets to variable costs that can be charged to specific cost centers, the cost-by-cause principle. This approach also enables reliable recruitment cost planning, based on headcount forecasts and turnover ratios.
Get a handle on your recruitment costs
Check our recent blog article on how to manage recruitment costs here.

From KPIs to Implications
Recruitment Analytics are key to draw meaningful insights from metrics, with the help of solid reporting and benchmarking tools. With Serendi as your Talent Acquisition partner, the permanent measurement, reporting, and analysis of recruitment metrics are guaranteed. Regular review meetings allow for continuous improvement and innovation strategies.
Recruitment Analytics
Implementing and monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other metrics such as time-to-hire, quality, sustainability, diversity and, obviously, cost of recruitments, have become quintessential for the Talent Acquisition function.

Historical vs. Real-time Insights
In the real world, organizations struggle to consolidate recruitment data, formulate meaningful metrics and analyze its results in order to implement an ongoing and systematic improvement process.
While retrospective data show historical performance trends and support strategic Talent Acquisition decisions, monitoring the performance of the recruitment operation in real-time provides a competitive edge by allowing highly responsive realignments.
As your embedded Talent Acquisition partner, we ensure that this becomes part of your recruitment reality since our Data Analytics experts track and report your recruitment metrics in real-time.

Learn more about our solutions and our service delivery approach